Maug mod version 1.1 still available for download somewhere?

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    • Maug mod version 1.1 still available for download somewhere?

      I want to add the "big battleship1" or "grosses_schlachtschiff1" to my game but on version 1.55 the turrets look a bit out of place, Ive seen screenshots of this ship from version 1.1 where it looked much better but I cannot find v1.1 anywhere anymore.
      Does someone still have Maug mod v1.1, or perhaps only the assets for the "grosses_schlachtschiff1" from v1.1 will be sufficient as well.
    • Never mind, someone was kind enough to share version 1.47 with me and there the turrets were good.
      I can only say that between 1.47 and 1.55 the references to the turrets on the Big Battleships got screwed up, before 1.55 the last 4 turrets that are set on a 90° angle were using the original vanilla battlecruiser turrets, hence why they were smaller, but in 1.55 those references got changed, I can only presume by accident, and now they use the big turrets instead which makes the Big Battleships look silly since they have big turrets clipping through stuff in the middle of the ship where there used to be small turrets.

      Those last 4 turrets, check them in Maug 1.55 and let them refer to the vanilla battlecruiser turrets.

      So consider this my bug report, but I got what I needed and I'm going to fix up the ship for my own game now, use blender to fix the meshes, add turrets muzzle flash, particles, death animation, waves and likely other things until all is to my liking.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Ac3s ().

    • do you use also other mods like "Battleship Mod" or "BattleCruiser Skins" or something like this, that give a new design for the battleships?
      it is possible, that your ship get path's from another mod, if this mod in in the filelist behind the maug-mod.
      a simple test for that: rename the maug-mod to zzzzMaug...., so that you have it on the last place in the filelist from the mods-directory
      Important!: dont forget to delete the .cache-folders inside of the mods-directory

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jacobi22 ().